Cold Laser Skin Therapy: An advanced, natural acne treatment.
Acne is caused when excess sebum (or oil) blocks pores and results in the build-up of bacteria in these sites.Though many try cleansers, changes in diet, scrubs or hormone therapy, often times these treatments do not work due to the strength and significant presence of bacteria.
Cold laser therapy, when used at the 440 nanometer frequency, has been found to be highly successful with the killing of this harmful bacteria build-up. The treatments can be incredibly successful in helping those struggling with acne to heal with no scarring or repeated breakouts, when the treatment is applied regularly to affected areas.
Should you have any questions, or wish to schedule an appointment for treatment of your acne or other skin conditions (psoriasis and rosacea are also treatable in this manner), please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We want to help you look better and feel better, restoring the health of your skin to a glowing, healthy level.