A 5,000 year old technique originating in China to correct health issues and promote health and well-being, acupuncture has now been recognized by Western medicine as an excellent practice for the reduction of pain, joint and tissue inflammation, sinus headaches, migraines and a host of other body ailments.

Acupuncture is also highly effective as a treatment used to reduce stress and fatigue. Administered in a spa-like environment, the therapy not only reduces tension that has built-up in various areas of the body, but also allows a person to relax and rest for the 15-30 minute period it takes to run its course.

Acupuncture is used in our clinic and in modern physiotherapy to enhance the speed and results of a patient’s treatment. And acupuncture is such a proven and effective treatment that 80% of hospitals in China still use it, today.

Should you be interested in our acupuncture treatments, we would be pleased to discuss the variety of ways acupuncture could benefit you.

Feel free to Contact Us via web or phone to learn more about the practice or to schedule an appointment.